SEARCH has embarked upon a new literary endeavor to help address what was see to be an urgent need: that being the creation of a compact, highly-readable, readily-accessible, magnificently-illustrated, comprehensive summary of what Christians have accomplished since our Lord and Savior walked amongst us.
Join us on this journey to set the historical record straight and prepare a treasure trove of evidence that over the last twenty centuries Christians have dramatically transformed virtually every major aspect of society to create a far better world than ever before.
Every major benefit that Christians have wrought over the past two millennia with God's guidance in the service others, regardless of belief, all neatly fitted into one carefully crafted book.Now getting that message out has seldom been more urgent. Will you aid us in this quest?
Donors gifting $250 to this project will be credited in the book (unless anonymity is preferred) and receive a complementary copy of the first printing. As well, all donations from residents in the United States and Canada in excess of $20 will be issued a charitable receipt for the full amount donated.
Prayers for the success of this important work are most appreciated. Praise the Lord!
Let us embark together on this exciting adventure!
The menu below links to a high-level overview of this project, a publishing odyssey that will ultimately involve over two hundred Christian authors, artists, researchers and academics from every major Trinitarian denomination.
Christians arise!
What went wrong?
What can we do about it?
A powerful new historical summary that strongly supports current apologetic efforts
Ten important “fruits” harvested from the hard work of our Christian forebears
Creating a legacy book that will be read and referenced for generations
It’s time to win this war