Supporters In Spirit – School Sponsorship

Here is an outstanding opportunity to BUILD THE KINGDOM by supporting our goal of equipping every Christian high school in the English-speaking world with one complete set of THE CHRISTIANS: THEIR FIRST TWO THOUSAND YEARS, as well as enabling their student to be able to participate in our effective STUDENT ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM that helps ensure the books are put to work the moment they reach the school.

The cost to equip one school with a complete set of THE CHRISTIANS and the STUDENT ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM is USD$750, with roughly two-thirds going to the printing and shipping of the complete set and one-third to the engagement program.

To make this easier to budget, the form you complete will process this donation all at once or over a ten-month period at USD$75 a month. If you are able to sponsor more than one school then all the better! The monthly amount would simply adjust to match the number of schools you wish to enlighten.

Every time a student opens one of the 12 books in the set the first thing they will see is a dedication label similar to the one below which contains a passage of scripture selected by the donor along with their name and city or town (or anonymity if preferred):

Every time a set of THE CHRISTIANS reaches a school it is like a powerful seed being planted in the most fertile of soil. During the life of these books Library of Congress statistics predict the books will be cracked open thousands of times collectively and impact hundreds of students for decades, at a cost of pennies for each reading experience.

I think we can all agree that our civilization is in trouble. Some think it’s reaching a point of no return. But we as Christians know that God is always in control, and that we must serve to build the Kingdom as much as we are able. Equipping a school with these books is a powerful way to help inspire badly-needed reformation.

Sponsor a high school with US$75 per month over ten (10) months

$ 53.99
Monthly for 10 months
The current exchange rate is 1.00 CAD equals 0.72 USD.
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Donation Total: $53.99 Monthly for 10 months

One-time Financial Sponsorship of USD$750 per high school

$ 539.86
The current exchange rate is 1.00 CAD equals 0.72 USD.
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
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Donation Total: $539.86