The Christians V11 – Unto The Ends of The Earth

CAD $116.89

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Unto The Ends of The Earth / AD 1800 to AD 1914 / Despite rising disbelief, the faith advances as never before / Volume Eleven of The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years History Series (More Info)

Page Count: 302 Pages (Hardbound)

Size: 12.3″ high, 8.8″ wide, 0.8″ deep / 31.1cm x 22.2cm x 1.9cm

Weight: 3lb 3oz / 1.4kg

ISBN-10: 0986939617 / ISBN-13: 978-0986939617

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Unto the Ends of the Earth

Volume 11: A.D. 1800 to 1914
Despite Rising Disbelief, the Faith Advances as Never Before

The French Revolution of the 1790s, a bloody, even diabolical uprising against all forms of religion, ushered in the modern era. The 19th century was one of paradox: an unprecedented spread of evangelistic Christianity across the globe, along with the emergence of a new optimistic atheism in Europe and North America – a belief that by understanding nature scientifically, man can create heaven on earth without religion. As the century advanced, however, the angry philosophies of men like Nietzsche and Marx, and the rise of conflicting nationalisms and racisms, darkly foreshadowed where all this anti-Christian rebellion would lead.

(Click on the image below to view a reduced resolution sample chapter drawn from the book so you get a sense of its writing style.)

Chapter One

With the guillotine’s knife, the Enlightenment produces a bloodbath

Chapter Two

Both loved and hated, hard-line Pope Pius IX lived and died in strife

  • Bernadette of Lourdes: a little girl and a lady in white
  • France’s Third Republic: born in chaos into a life of turmoil

Chapter Three

How a plucky girl of 18 from a dubious family saved Britain’s throne

  • The lady with the lamp who rescued thousands of lives and founded nursing
  • ‘Make money, son,’ said his father. Instead, he made the Salvation Army
  • The gently indefatigable Wilberforce: slavery’s improbable vanquisher

Chapter Four

Indolence into depravity: the tragic final years of tsarist Orthodoxy

  • The firing squad failed to fire, and a great Christian novelist came to be
  • Patriarch Tikhon: the man who got there too late to save Russia
  • With blood, treachery, and slaughter, the Ottoman colossus goes down

Chapter Five

The Marxist ‘paradise’ becomes a slave state, avowed to kill off God

  • That scandalous New York woman, who converted to Catholicism
  • The Mormon story: from a violent birth came a formidable movement
  • Jehovah’s inextinguishable Witnesses
  • A faith begun in the criminal courts that questioned the reality of disease

Chapter Six

The blow from which Latin America has never recovered

  • Haiti: a tale of triumph and tragedy
  • Brazil’s deft transatlantic coup that rewarded it with an unusual stability

Chapter Seven

Christendom’s greatest century carries the faith to all the continents

  • Dr. Livingstone: failed missionary and brilliant explorer
  • The lands where the missionaries did not succeed

Chapter Eight

The foes of the faith acquire cultural control in a secularist triumph

  • Biblical credibility: a crucial clash that vindicated the New Testament

Chapter Nine

The dark ideologies and even darker lives of the darkest prophets

Chapter Ten

In Christianity’s eclipse, nationalism’s upsurge leads the world to war

  • One fight Bismarck did not win

Additional information

Weight 39 oz
Dimensions 0.8 × 8.8 × 12.3 in
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