• Sale!

    SPECIAL SCHOOL DONATION OFFER: The Christians Complete Set / Volumes 1 through 12

    Original price was: CAD $764.00.Current price is: CAD $521.00.
    Complete Set of the 12-volume series 'The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years.' * DONATION COST INCLUDES SHIPPING * ** THIS DONATION IS AVAILABLE UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2023 ** *** THE DONATION IS ELIGIBLE FOR A CHARITABLE TAX RECEIPT ***  
  • * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * Ted Byfield, editor and driving force for the creation of 'The Christians: Their Two Thousand Years' passed away in 2021 the night before Christmas Eve. He was 93. In addition to this remarkable book series Mr. Byfield published another 12-volume hardcover history series called "Alberta in the 20th Century" in addition to six other book titles. Before his book-publishing career, Ted began as an award-winning newspaperman who then founded Christian boys schools across Canada famed throughout North America for its rigorous voyageur-style outdoor program where teenage boys would canoe, snowshoe and dogsled for hundreds of miles each school year. After that, Mr. Byfield set his sights on reforming the media by establishing a string of conservative Canadian newsmagazines, the most famous being Alberta Report, which helped shape Canada's conservative movement and permanently redefined the nation's political landscape. To document this remarkable life journey author Jonathon Van Maren interviewed Ted in depth and many who worked with him over the last five years. Page Count: 256 Pages (Hardbound) Size: 9" high, 6" wide, 1" deep / 22.9cm x 15.2cm x 2.5cm Weight: 1lb / 0.454kg
  • * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * Written in 1965 by reporter and St. John's Cathedral Boys School co-founder Ted Byfield, this book is a rebuttal to Canadian historian Pierre Berton's "The Uncomfortable Pew," which chronicled a decline in church attendance following WW2. In "Just Think" Byfield not only counters the central issues raised by Berton, but then digs into the his underlying worldview. Byfield then describes his own personal journey to Christian enlightenment. Page Count: 149 Pages (Soft Cover, Perfect Bound) Size: 7.5" high, 5" wide, 0.5" deep / 19.1cm x 12.7cm x 1.3cm Weight: 0.5lb / 0.23kg
  • SEARCH has embarked upon a new literary endeavor to help address what was see to be an urgent need: that being the creation of a compact, highly-readable, readily-accessible, magnificently-illustrated, comprehensive summary of what Christians have accomplished since our Lord and Savior walked amongst us.

    Join us on this journey to set the historical record straight and prepare a treasure trove of evidence that over the last twenty centuries Christians have dramatically transformed virtually every major aspect of society to create a far better world than ever before.

    Every major benefit that Christians have wrought over the past two millennia with God's guidance in the service others, regardless of belief, all neatly fitted into one carefully crafted book.

    Now getting that message out has seldom been more urgent. Will you aid us in this quest?

    Donors gifting $250 to this project will be credited in the book (unless anonymity is preferred) and receive a complementary copy of the first printing. As well, all donations from residents in the United States and Canada in excess of $20 will be issued a charitable receipt for the full amount donated.

    Prayers for the success of this important work are most appreciated. Praise the Lord!

    Let us embark together on this exciting adventure!

    The menu below links to a high-level overview of this project, a publishing odyssey that will ultimately involve over two hundred Christian authors, artists, researchers and academics from every major Trinitarian denomination.

  • General One-time Donation

    Society to Explore And Record Christian History is dedicated to:
    1. Researching our past from an ecumenical Christian perspective.
    2. Raising awareness of the importance of Christendom's story on the societal well-being of every living soul today.
    To this end we support a number of initiatives including:
    • Researching historical events impacting the Christian world.
    • Educating Christians on their cultural heritage and effective writing.
    • Making the books available to schools and libraries who may not otherwise be able to afford them.
    • Translating the books.
    Your support is vital to achieving these ends and is most appreciated. Blessings, Vince Byfield, Manager NOTE: For donations greater than $1,000 please contact us directly at 1-888-234-4478 to arrange the transaction.
  • Sale!

    FOUR TRILOGIES OFFER: – 3 Volumes of The Christians Every 3 Months for a Year

    Original price was: CAD $350.66.Current price is: CAD $270.57.
    * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * Receive all 12 books in the series but in shipments of three books every three months. Payment for each trilogy occurs just prior to shipping, therefore four payments in all but still at a substantial discount when compared to receiving the books individually. The first trilogy will be processed immediately and the remaining nine books will arrive at your door 3, 6 and 9 months later.

    Produced in a style similar to the best-selling history book series for Alberta, "Canada in the 20th Century" was written by Paul Stanway (Volumes 1 and 2) and by Alberta Report Publisher and provincial Senator-Elect Link Byfield (Volume 3), who died from cancer in 2015.

    SEARCH purchased these books from the remaining inventory of the publisher, CanWest Media, and all are in brand new condition.


  • Sale!

    BEST VALUE OFFER: The Christians Complete Set / Volumes 1 through 12

    Original price was: CAD $1,402.68.Current price is: CAD $959.00.
    * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * Complete Set of the 12-volume series 'The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years.'

    Prior to producing 'The Christians' book series, Ted Byfield published the 12-volume set "Alberta in the 20th Century." These books are similar in size and format. They reveal with glorious photography and journalistic prose Alberta's uniqe heritage -- starting with its native American roots and the arrival of the fur trade, to the deluge of European immigrants and economic transformation through farming, ranching and of course oil and gas. Throughout this rich history you find extraordinary personalities from all walks of life who played pivotal roles in shaping Alberta into what it is today.

    To our knowledge Alberta is the only state or province to have had such an extensive hardcover history book series of this magnitude ever published.

    These books are quite difficult to find now as a complete set. They have been out of print since 2005, but SEARCH often receives requests for them, so we have been assembling complete sets of the book when possible. Some of the books are in new condition (SEARCH purchased the remaining inventory from the publisher Canwest Media), but most are in good condition from the secondary market.


  • Give the gift of reading beautifully-illustrated history for twelve years.  This is a fantastic option for gifting to friends or family that really enjoy books. What a wonderful solution for the problem of what to buy that hard-to-buy individual who loves to read. Receive the complete set of the 12-volume series 'The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years' delivered over a 12-year period, with one volume being delivered each year.

    INFLATION PROTECTION: The price you see above will be locked in for the duration of the entire 12 years.

  • Sale!

    12-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION OFFER: One Volume of The Christians Every Month for a Year

    Original price was: CAD $116.89.Current price is: CAD $105.20.

    For readers keen on discovering the full story of the accomplishments of Christianity over the last two millennia in a single year

    Receive the complete set of the 12-volume series 'The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years' delivered over a year with one volume being delivered each month. This offer gives you the opportunity to read one volume in one month and then look forward to receiving the next volume in the mail each month over the following year until you have fully enjoyed all twelve books.
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