• * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * The Veil Is Torn / AD 30 to AD 70 / Pentecost to the Destruction of Jerusalem / Volume One of The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years History Series (More Info) Page Count: 288 Pages (Hardbound) Size: 12.3" high, 8.8" wide, 0.8" deep / 31.1cm x 22.2cm x 1.9cm Weight: 3lb / 1.4kg ISBN-10: 0968987303 / ISBN-13: 978-0968987308
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    12-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION OFFER: One Volume of The Christians Every Month for a Year

    Original price was: CAD $116.89.Current price is: CAD $105.20.

    For readers keen on discovering the full story of the accomplishments of Christianity over the last two millennia in a single year

    Receive the complete set of the 12-volume series 'The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years' delivered over a year with one volume being delivered each month. This offer gives you the opportunity to read one volume in one month and then look forward to receiving the next volume in the mail each month over the following year until you have fully enjoyed all twelve books.
  • * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * [Published in 1998] From Inside Front Cover: "By all objective standards, Ted Byfield is the finest columnist in Canada today. In the 25 years he has been publishing Alberta Report, Byfield has delivered his unabashedly conservative message with wit and intelligence, engaging and challenging his reader, and never for a second boring him.....In this book are gathered the best of Byfield's weekly columns from the past quarter century. They cover everything from abortion to zionism and are guaranteed to elicit on of two reactions in the reader - 'Absolutely right! ' or 'Absolute Crap! ' For, love him or hate him, no one comes away from reading a Ted Byfield column feeling the least bit equivocal.." Page Count: 269 Pages (Hardbound) Size: 9.25" high, 6.25" wide, 0.9" deep / 23.5cm x 15.9cm x 2.3cm Weight: 1.4lb / 0.62kg ISBN-10: 0968337201 / ISBN-13: 978-0968337202
  • * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * Ted Byfield, editor and driving force for the creation of 'The Christians: Their Two Thousand Years' passed away in 2021 the night before Christmas Eve. He was 93. In addition to this remarkable book series Mr. Byfield published another 12-volume hardcover history series called "Alberta in the 20th Century" in addition to six other book titles. Before his book-publishing career, Ted began as an award-winning newspaperman who then founded Christian boys schools across Canada famed throughout North America for its rigorous voyageur-style outdoor program where teenage boys would canoe, snowshoe and dogsled for hundreds of miles each school year. After that, Mr. Byfield set his sights on reforming the media by establishing a string of conservative Canadian newsmagazines, the most famous being Alberta Report, which helped shape Canada's conservative movement and permanently redefined the nation's political landscape. To document this remarkable life journey author Jonathon Van Maren interviewed Ted in depth and many who worked with him over the last five years. Page Count: 256 Pages (Hardbound) Size: 9" high, 6" wide, 1" deep / 22.9cm x 15.2cm x 2.5cm Weight: 1lb / 0.454kg
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    Ted Byfield’s Final Trilogy: Why History Matters, The Revolution Nobody Covered, The Time is Now

    Original price was: CAD $75.04.Current price is: CAD $67.24.
  • * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * "The Time Is Now" is the third of Ted Byfield's trilogy of booklets on the Culture War. The pivotal battleground, he says, is neither the courts nor academe. It's the media, where an effective Christian presence is almost non-existent. He says it's imperative that such a presence be established, and he advances a plan on how this can be done. Page Count: 72 Pages (Soft Cover, Perfect Bound) Size: 8.5" high, 5.5" wide, 0.2" deep / 21.6 cm x  14.0 cm x 0.5 cm Weight: 3.3 ounces/94 grams ISBN: 978-0-9869396-5-5

    Subjectivism in the schools: Can we destroy it before it destroys us?

    Simply stated, the fundamental principle behind the education revolution makes it appear absurd. To seriously teach an entire generation that there was no such thing as good and bad, nor true and false, nor beautiful and ugly, to dismiss these imperishable values as "mere feeling," is to invite a social, political and cultural calamity of inconceivable dimension. Fortunately, two avenues offer escape from their doleful subjectivist influence... Page Count: 75 Pages (Soft Cover, Perfect Bound) Size: 8.5" high, 5.5" wide, 0.2" deep / 21.6 cm x  14.0 cm x 0.5 cm Weight: 2.7 ounces/78 grams
  • * PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING * Written in 1965 by reporter and St. John's Cathedral Boys School co-founder Ted Byfield, this book is a rebuttal to Canadian historian Pierre Berton's "The Uncomfortable Pew," which chronicled a decline in church attendance following WW2. In "Just Think" Byfield not only counters the central issues raised by Berton, but then digs into the his underlying worldview. Byfield then describes his own personal journey to Christian enlightenment. Page Count: 149 Pages (Soft Cover, Perfect Bound) Size: 7.5" high, 5" wide, 0.5" deep / 19.1cm x 12.7cm x 1.3cm Weight: 0.5lb / 0.23kg

    The dawning rediscovery of the past

    A resurging popular interest in history on the Web by youth alludes to a suspicion that they are not being told the whole story in school. They are keen to rediscover what caused those peoples who collectively called themselves Christian and together created a seismic shift on the world political stage. It is this rediscovery of history and our Christian heritage that could inspire the next generation to restore the western world to its former glory and beyond. Page Count: 39 Pages (Soft Cover, Staple Bound) Size: 8.5" high, 5.5" wide, 0.2" deep / 21.6 cm x  14.0 cm x 0.5 cm Weight: 1.9 ounces/54 grams
  • We would like you to get a better sense of the what awaits you in this remarkable series: The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years. To that end we invite you to order THI CHRISTIANS Calendar for the Year 2025 with a suggested donation of $10 (but any amount will be humbly received with thanks to you and our Lord Jesus Christ). This free service is made possible from generous donations to SEARCH: Society to Explore And Record Christian History, which has registered charitable status in both Canada and the United States.
  • General One-time Donation

    Society to Explore And Record Christian History is dedicated to:
    1. Researching our past from an ecumenical Christian perspective.
    2. Raising awareness of the importance of Christendom's story on the societal well-being of every living soul today.
    To this end we support a number of initiatives including:
    • Researching historical events impacting the Christian world.
    • Educating Christians on their cultural heritage and effective writing.
    • Making the books available to schools and libraries who may not otherwise be able to afford them.
    • Translating the books.
    Your support is vital to achieving these ends and is most appreciated. Blessings, Vince Byfield, Manager NOTE: For donations greater than $1,000 please contact us directly at 1-888-234-4478 to arrange the transaction.
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